Morning Solitude

He chases the sun.

The light breeze drifts along his skin, not another person in sight.

The sun is his alone.

It breaks through the horizon, casting an orange glow over the mountains.

He greets the morning.

Out on the water, the sounds of his waking town hum in the distance.

Solitude brings peace.

Here he can forget the words of his employer, the crying of his child.

Only he and the sun exist.

The bells ring, the time to return is near, and he closes his eye to hold on to the moment.

He savors it until tomorrow’s sun.

Inspired by Warmup Wednesday – 100 word story

A boatman (माझी दाई) with his boat. (Phewa lake, Pokhara, Nepal). CC2.0 photo by Dhilung Kirat.

A boatman with his boat. (Phewa Lake, Pokhara, Nepal). CC2.0 photo by Dhilung Kirat.

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